The voting is finished

Team 1

Team 1

A ball of yarn and needles

A ball of yarn with needles is many-sided symbol. It's a symbol of coziness, patience and creative work. This is our life which is weaved and knitted from our wishes. It can be a ball of magic thread that will show the way of one's dream, avoiding all doubts, fears and dangers.

Chuklay Vera / Chuklay Oleg

Team 2

Team 2

A wind of change

Everything changes in this life! And it tends to change for the better! The bright sun always comes out from behind the clouds! And when one door closes another one opens...And there is something beautiful, unknown and leading to new discoveries! That's why there's no need to be afraid of changes but it's necessary to enjoy the moment here and now!

Soldatova Natalya / Smirnova Marina

Team 3

Team 3


Let there always be the place for the most unexpected things: whether cactus in the tartar plains or a new perspective of the world around that is capable to change everything.

Vasilyeva Ann / Kalinina Anastasia

Team 4

Team 4

Peas got together…

Peas got together…, — people usually say vice versa — they fall apart, keeping in mind that all elements of the whole are isolated and lonesome. Here we see that peas in a pod are the symbol of consolidation, relation, unity and integrity. And since our work is an entire sprout with the pea pods, it even more strengthens the moment of creation.

Kharitonova Galina / Levina Elena

Team 5

Team 5


Spring jazz is the most beautiful music of nature. The saxophone created by branches interlacing and our emotions sounds especially sensual. It’s an image of power, commitment and love for music, for life!

Nayanzina Natalya / Evich Olga

Team 6

Team 6

There’s just the moment

Our tomorrow quietly turns into our yesterday. A moment of transformation is here and now. This is our life. It’s happening now. And it’s a great happiness to realize it and to be able to enjoy it.

Miryuk Svetlana / Smetanina Anna

Team 7

Team 7

Gothic fantasy

Old craftsmen masterpieces live within us and wakes our imagination.

Bogomolova Olga / Vilyuga Alexander

Team 8

Team 8


The focus of attention is on environment and interaction with it.

Lekomtseva Aleksandra / Pechenova Nadia

Team 9

Team 9


Mushroom pickers see mushrooms only as a food. Sometimes it’s a bit offensive when people looking at beautiful mushroom's picture ask: Is it edible? Another case — creative people who don’t just see a mushroom in the frying pen but perceive it like an object for creative work.

The work was created with the active participation of Nadezhda Gorelova.

Ivanova Tamara / Shahova Anna

Team 10

Team 10


Snails are true sturdy horses... They are able to carry things ten times heavier than themselves. We offer you to test this. Have a sit please! 

Konstantinova Ekaterina / Stepanets Zoya

Team 11

Team 11


We are all so different but we always want to be with someone. There are two who always reach out to each other.

Chernikova Tatyana / Dementev Nikita

Team 12

Team 12


A triangle is a fixed and constant natural symbol that gives rise to all shapes. Geometric shapes are common to the natural world so man created them for all kinds of natural objects, customised them for art, sculpture and crafts. The triangle represents the Universe, the Trinity, the space, an idea, a balance, the divine proportion, a man and a woman, magic, a religious symbol, wisdom, the mathematics, the first geometric shape, a primal evolution, the heart… Triality is a divinity, harmony and proportion.

Maria Jesus Miranda Menendez / Beatriz Linacero Cabreros

Team 13

Team 13

Slingshot of desires

Slingshot is a weapon known since the Ancient Egypt and through which David defeated Goliath. And another version of slingshot belongs to Leonardo Da Vinci. It’s a favorite tool in games of children in yards. And for children of USSR it was the most available toy due to the ease of manufacture. The branch of proper shape and a piece of tourniquet. How it works: draw, aim, send your wish!

Orazbaeva Anna / Obuhova Maria

Team 14

Team 14

Heraclrum (Hogweed)

This work is about people who sometimes become prisoners of prejudice and stereotypes. For the common person Heracleum is frightening, dangerous, repulsive and ugly weed however it has another face. In our work we’d like to reflect exactly this transformation where nature is an exhibit hall and ugly weed is an object that will transfer its glory, grotesque shape and beauty to the audience. Growing upward and demonstrating infinite perceptual boundaries in a viewer.

Dementievskaya Evgenia / Melnikova Margaret

Team 15

Team 15

Think differently

An egg is a very ancient symbol. It contains all that will give a new life, it’s a world architecture. In many cultures the egg has been and still is a symbol of many opportunities, potential, a symbol of transformation from oblivion to existence, a symbol of motion and development. Each  person from the moment of his birth has talents and a certain potential that should be realized. A genius sculptor or a talented negotiator, a brilliant cook or a teacher — any individual potential is being developed only during active work. Movement. Stepping outside one’s comfort zone needed for professional growth - all this we would like to show presenting our work.

Kochergina Nelly / Eskendirova Hanna

Team 16

Team 16

A bench of Inspiration

“It’s good to pause and do nothing. It gives us time to think. It recharges our bodies as well as our minds” (Richard Branson).

The idea of our work is a bench that has a shape of wings, that gives you sense of calm, harmony, contemplation, peace and opens a world of inspiration for you!

Medvedeva Natalia / Bubnova Svetlana

Team 17

Team 17

Sprout of life

We were inspired by the plant which is growing up toward the sun with its closed buds and, at the same time, the open flowers are near the ground and became comfortable leisure zones.

Yanukovich Daria / Stenhauer Andrey